George Peck [b. Budapest, Hungary] is an artist currently based in New York City, NY and Buskirk, NY.

Find his full bio here


City College of New York, B.A. 1963

Yale University, 1964 – 1966, visiting student

Hunter College, 1966 – 1967, visiting student


Visiting Professor, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, 1995


2024. When in Roma...
Black Spring Books, Brooklyn, NY

2018. BOOKBURN / Library of Books Burned*
Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, New York, NY
*in collaboration with Hugo Perez

Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany

2009. Ladies and Gentlemen…
Little Synagogue Gallery, Eger, Hungary

2005. Projected Paintings
Ernst Museum,
Budapest, Hungary

2003. The Escapist in Color
Florence Lynch Gallery
, New York, NY

2002. Layered Time Layered Paint (Selected Paintings Spanning Thirteen Years),
Kiscelli Municiple Museum, Budapest, Hungary

2000. Varfok Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
            The Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary

1999. Kate Ganz Gallery USA, Ltd, New York, NY
           Trans Hudson Gallery, New York, NY

1998. Trans Hudson Gallery, New York, NY.

1997. Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest, Hungary.

1996. Trans Hudson Gallery, New York, NY.

1995. Kunsthalle (Mücsarnok), Budapest, Hungary.

           Törökfürdõ (Turkish Bath), Budapest, Hungary.

           Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary.

1994. Amerika Haus, Frankfurt, Germany.

1990. Image Gallery, Stockbridge, Mass.

1985. Bette Stoler Gallery, New York, NY.

1983. Bette Stoler Gallery, New York, NY.

1980. Toni Birckhead Gallery, Cincinnati, OH.

1979. Susan Caldwell, Inc., New York, NY.

1977. Susan Caldwell, Inc., New York, NY.


2023. Farbmalerei (Color Painting), Osthaus Museum Hagen, Hagen, Germany

2020. Magoly-Nagy 125, Hegyvidék Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

2019. From The Paintbrush to the Camera: works by László Moholy-Nagy and his Hungarian Contemporaries, Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, Germany

2018. Bridging Boundaries, Corcoran School of the Arts and Design, Washington, DC

2016. GAMEclip, MODEM: Centre for Modern and Contemporary Arts, Debrecen, Hungary


2010. Dash Gallery, New York, NY

2010. Mediating the Message, La Maison Francaise, New York University, New York, NY

2009. Mélyvíz, Applied Arts Museum, Budapest, Hungary

2008. Random Utterness, Hungarian Cultural Center, New York, NY

2007. The Black Madonna, Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, Birmingham, AL

2004. Die Farbe hat mich II (The Color Has Me II), Osthaus Museum, Hagen, Germany

2003. Seeing Red, Part II: Contemporary Nonobjective Painting, Hunter College / Times Square Gallery, New York, NY

2002. Color – A Mind Of It’s Own, Kunsthalle (Mücsarnok), Budapest, Hungary

2001. Monochrome/ Monochrome?, Florence Lynch Gallery, New York, NY.

2000. Directions, Janos Gat Gallery, New York, NY.

1999. Acrylic/Plastic, Trans Hudson Gallery, New York, NY.

1997. Variations of Structure, Trans Hudson Gallery, New York, NY.

1997. After The Fall, Snug Harbor, Staten Island, NY.

1996. Current Geometries in Abstraction, Trans Hudson Gallery, New York, NY.

1996. Sight Uncertain, Trans Hudson Gallery, Jersey City, NJ.

1994. Moveable Feast of American Art, American Embassy, Bonn, Germany.

1993. Selections 93, Art Gallery at Hunter College, New York, NY.

1992. Abstraction and Reality, Montgomery Center, Jersey City, NJ.
          American Abstract Artists Persistence of Abstraction, Traveling Exhibition
          Edwin A. Ulrich Museum,    Wichita, KS.

1989. American Abstract Artists, 55 Mercer Street, New York, NY.

1983. Content in Abstraction: The Uses of Nature, The High Museum of Art, Atlanta, GA.

1980. Drawings, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, NY.

1979. In the Realm of the Monochromatic, The Renaissance Society, New York, NY.

1976. Artists Invite Artists, Susan Caldwell, Inc., New York, NY.


2019. Seibel, Brendan. “A Burning Need for Art.” Creative Cloud, Adobe. 

2008. Baker, R.C. “The Abstract Desert – Random Utterness.” The Village Voice.

2005. Agnes Berecz PhD. “Review: Moving Images.” Art Magazine, March-April 2005. p.4546

2003. Fyfe, Joe. Review, “The Escapist – In Color.” Art Critical, September 2003

2002. Sturcz, János. PhD. “Layers of Paint, Layers of Time” Budapest: Kunsthalle Műcsarnok.

2002. Fehr, Michael. “Everybody is Afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue.” Color – A Life of its Own. Kunsthalle Műcsarnok, Budapest. p. 38-43.

2001. Wei, Lilly. “George Peck’s Monochromes” December, 2001.  

2000. Edit Andras PhD. “His Genes.Elet Es Irodalom (Life and Literature), 50th Issue.

2000. Goodman, Jonathon. “George Peck Works On Paper 1993-1999.” Art on Paper, Volume 4, p.7677

2000. Edit, Andras. “Painting at the Crossroads: George Peck exhibitions at Kate Ganz and Trans Hudson Gallery.” Rope Dance: Studies in American Fine Art at the End of the Millennium. p. 102 - 109 

2000. Edit, Andras. “The Genes of the Painting: George Peck’s Exhibition at the XO Gallery.” Rope Dance: Studies in American Fine Art at the End of the Millennium. p. 166-168 

1999. Koplos, Janet. “Dematerializing the Canvas.” Art In America. p.134-137.

1997. Goodman, Jonathan. “Review.” Art In America. p. 93.

1996. Rayner, Vivien. “ART REVIEW; A Gallery’s Farewell to This Side of the River.” The New York Times. June 30, 1996

1995. Sturcz, János. PhD. George Peck: Composite Pictures.” Budapest: Kunsthalle Műcsarnok, 1995.

1994. Rayner, Vivien. “ART; Images Made by Slicing and Reassembling.” The New York Times. 1994

1987. Wei, Lilly. “Talking Abstract.” Art In America. July 1987. p. 80-97.

1985. Rayner, Vivien. “Review.” The New York Times. 8 February 1985: p.C32.

1983. “Untitled Drawing” BOMB, no.8, 1983, p. 72-72

1980. Yoskowitz, Robert. “GEORGE PECK.” Arts Magazine. February 1980. 

1978. Russell, John. “ART: What’s Happening at the Frick Collection.” New York Times. June 30th, 1978

1978. Lubell, Ellen. “REALM OF THE MONOCHROMATIC.”  Susan Caldwell Gallery. June, 1978.
1978. Ratcliffe, Carter. “NEW YORK LETTER.” Artscribe No. 14. October, 1978. 

1978. Morgan, Stuart. “EBB TIDE: New York Chronicle.”        

1977. Zimmer, William. “George Peck | Sam Tachakalian: Susan Caldwell.” Arts Magazine. December 1977. 


2002. Layered Time – Layered Paint Film by Gyorgy Beck. 12 minutes, 12 seconds.

2002. George Peck. Interview: Duna TV. 3 minutes, am and pm.

           Budapest, Hungary, September 29, 2002.

1997. “Mü-Terem-Tés” (Art Magazine). George Peck; Master Class.

           Interview by Katalin T. Nagy. Danube T.V., Budapest, Hungary

           19 December 1997.

1995. Making of a Painting, George Peck 1995. Dir. Istvan Javor.

           Fekete Doboz (Black Box), Budapest, Hungary. 1995.

           8 minutes.

1994. George Peck at Trans Hudson Gallery. Dir. Sherry Daniels. 1994.


1987. Peck, George, et al. “Talking Abstract”

          Art In America, July 1987: p. 80 – 97.

1982. Wei, Lilly and Peck, George. “Liubov Popova: Interpretations of Space.”

          Art In America, (Vol. 70, no. 9) October 1982: p.94 – 104.


Best Products; Richmond, Virginia.

Brooklyn Museum of Art; Brooklyn, New York.

Budapest Museum of Fine Arts (Szépmúvészeti Múzeum); Budapest, Hungary.

Cincinnati Central Trust; Cincinnati, Ohio.

Kiscelli Museum, Municipal Art collection, Budapest Hungary

Grey Art Gallery, New York University; New York, NY.

High Museum of Art; Atlanta, Georgia.

Osthaus Museum; Hagen, Germany

Metropolitan Museum of Art; New York, NY.

Moderna Museet; Stockholm, Sweden.

Museum of Applied Arts; Budapest, Hungary.